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Review: Trapper Rat Glue Board

Trapper Glue Boards
No need to introduce you guys with those gentle man! They are responsible for spreading many deadly diseases. Getting rid of them is really very hard and time consuming. Proper knowledge make the job quite easier. Today, I am gonna introduce you with a good product. Trapper Rat Glue Board is a magical product is used for controlling rats.  

Non Poisonous

Trapper Rat Glue Board is a non poisonous product. Its a 100% safe product. You can use it whenever, and wherever you need. Despite of having kids and pets, you can use it inside your house. It will not harm them, only kill Rats!

Where You Can Use It?

This product is effective for killing rats from trapper plastic tunnels. You can also use it in the below listed places.
  • Food plants
  • Kitchens
  • Restaurants
  • Food processing plants
  • Hospitals
  • Residences
  • Zoo, etc.

Quantity & Price Chart

Three packs or Six Boards
Six packs or Twelve Boards
One case or Twenty Four packs
Two case or Forty Eight packs
Three cases or Seventy Two packs
Four cases or Ninety Six packs

Target Pests

  • Rats
  • Mice
  • Rodents
  • Mouse


Trapper Rat Glue Trap is a high quality glue trap. When rats walk over it, they are arrested by strong abrasive of the trap. The sticky surface of the trap remains super working for a long period. You can really depend on it. It will help you having a rat free house.


Do not use it before reading the user manual of the producer. Read it properly and then follow the instructions properly.

Rat Free House, Healthy House


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